Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'm back!

OK. This is for Lisa. Yes, you know who you are. :) I am updating...

Now that I have recovered from the school year, I am finally getting back into my digital scrapbooking. I have a few freebies that Iwill post soon. I have to finish my challenges first so I can get all of my goodies for July first.

Here's a layout that I did for Color Line Design's July Color Challenge. This is my baby (not so much anymore). He's four now and really getting a personality. That's impressive considering he has two sisters trying to control his every move.

Link and credits

So, besides vegging most of the summer, I am planning our Disney trip in the fall. I can't wait! It's been three years since the last time. The kids look like babies compared to now.

And now:

Well, that's all for today. But, to keep Lisa happy, I will be back soon!


Princess124 said...

I love the pictures...new and old! :) Very excited for the trip...can't wait!

Lisa said...

Thank God, you finally posted! ha!
You guys are going to have so much fun in OCT. Can I go? :P

So, are you entering contests with your scrapbooking?