Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Ugh! Back to work. Not that I don't love my job most days, but 1) I get to not only drag myself out of bed (not a morning person!), but 3 kids that got to sleep in for 2 weeks as well and 2) with the economy and reduced manufacturing, it is getting pretty depressing at work. A lot of people have been laid off with the possibility of more to come. So we stay on our toes and hope that we make it through another week. I pray that sales improve and we can get back to where we were last year at this time.
Today's picture is what greeted me this morning.
complete, adj.
1 a: having all necessary parts, elements, or steps
b: having all four sets of floral organs of a subject or predicate : including modifiers, complements, or objects
2: brought to an end : concluded
3: highly proficient
4 a: fully carried out : thorough
b: total, absolute
5 of insect metamorphosis : characterized by the occurrence of a pupal stage between the motile immature stages and the adult 6 of a metric space : having the property that every Cauchy sequence of elements converges to a limit in the space
2 quotes today:
I won't pretend to understand what the metric space one is about. I like to think I am capable of being highly proficient. To fully carry out is definitely a main focus of mine this year. This was actually one of the words I had considered. Completing circles is an incredible and deep thought. Going to think on that one. Till tomorrow-

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Keep the Faith, girlie!